Looking back towards condo |
The beach here is large with firmly packed white sand that is great for walking. The water is not blue and we can see many oil rigs off in the distance; at night they are lit (:-p) up like buildings in a city.
West end of island |
On our rest day we cleaned and fixed up bikes and rode to the far west end of the island, just over three miles. We passed many houses on stilts of varying heights. Some seemed very close to the water but we were told that they didn't start out that way. At the end of the road there was a public beach and not much else.
Then we rode back towards town to the bird sanctuary which wasn't much. We were joined by others and ate at a BBQ place for lunch. We were loud and silly recounting stories.
After some more walking on the beach and lounging by the pool I picked up some steamed shrimp and oysters for dinner. May, Linda, and Susan joined me for dinner on my balcony. We were all too messy to handle cameras or phones so no photo. A stroll for ice cream cones completed our very good vacation day.